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Between the Chair and Keyboard

In this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Develop a security culture primed to expand beyond your perimeter
  • Move beyond security awareness to security action
  • Design a user experience to make the secure choices the easy choice

People ultimately decide our security posture -- our security is only as effective as our end-users’ comprehension and compliance. In this presentation, we look at the psychology and behavior science of individuals making risk decisions and leaders affecting culture change, and how it affects the security of organizations and the applications on which they rely.

Join Duo Advisory CISO Wolfgang Goerlich for insights and pragmatic tactics for improving the human element in risk and compliance.

Presenter Info

J. Wolfgang Goerlich, Advisory CISO, Duo Security at Cisco

J. Wolfgang Goerlich is an Advisory CISO for Duo Security. He has led IT and IT security in the healthcare and financial services verticals, and advisory and assessment practices in several cyber security consulting firms.