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How Hospitals Are Moving Beyond MFA For Access Security

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How Duo and Cisco help you adhere to elements of HIPAA and HITECH requirements
  • Why Cisco Trusted Access is a critical component of the security solution for Healthcare organizations
  • How a consolidated security solution will improve your organization's overall health

Healthcare records remain one of the “holy grail” personally identifiable information (PII) data types for criminals: recent research found credit card records fetch only a mean value of $0.30 each on the black market, while healthcare records sell for an average cost of $250 each*. With patient data being more valuable to attackers than ever, alongside stricter HIPAA and HITECH compliance requirements and an ever-growing device inventory to manage, IT teams modernization projects must account for these risks in their strategy planning.

Gaining better visibility and control of their environment to address these risks is a top-of-mind challenge for many healthcare organizations. Cisco and Duo have joined forces to provide a better answer with modern security solutions that go beyond “checking the box” on multi-factor access. We enable organizations to keep patient and employee data protected, while optimizing clinician workflows, and reducing costs and complexity.

Join Amanda Rogerson from Duo Security and Jamey Heary from Cisco to learn how we can help your organization adopt recommended cybersecurity best practices, do a check up on your compliance, and get the vital signs on your network with our security solutions.

  • Trustwave 2017 “Value of Data” report

Presenter Info

Amanda Rogerson, Duo Security

Amanda Rogerson is a part of the Product Marketing team at Duo, where she assists in establishing messaging needed to drive engagements regarding Duo Security's Trusted Access vision with a focus on the HealthCare Industry. She has more than two decades of experience working in tech, with the last five years being focused on access management and authentication. Through various roles in Product Marketing, Customer Success and Enterprise Sales, Amanda has assisted companies of all sizes to understand how to successfully balance security with usability. Amanda holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Technical Theater from Queens University in Kingston Ontario.

Jamey Heary, Cisco