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How to Secure Workstations with Duo Security

The corporate IT landscape has changed drastically over the last decade: hosted services, mobile productivity advances, and cloud storage have allowed users to get their work done wherever they are, with whatever device they have. While there’s been much discussion on how to best integrate these new tools into a cohesive security strategy, not much has changed when it comes to desktop and laptop authentication — even though critical work is still done on these devices in nearly every business, every day.

Duo Security provides native Mac and Windows integrations to enable two-factor authentication for workstation logins, whether local or remote. Join Josh Green for an educational session on how to configure these integrations, what to consider when deciding where to require secondary authentication, and best practices for a smooth rollout.

Presenter Info

Josh Green

Josh Green is the Solutions Engineer for Duo Security’s London office, providing pre-sales engineering support for organizations of all sizes. He works closely with everyone from CIOs, CISOs, IT Security, IT management and staff on product education, planning and deployment of Duo Security products. Josh has been working in the cybersecurity space for the past 7 years dealing with Identity Management, Vulnerability Management, and Authentication. He speaks 4 languages, and in his spare time, enjoys learning new ones.