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How Zero-Trust Enables the Future of “Work from Anywhere” Secure Access

In this session, Zoe Lindsey discusses:

  • How the zero trust access model works
  • How to reduce your reliance on passwords and risk of password-based attacks
  • How to start planning and staging your zero-trust evolution today

The perimeter-focused security model of decades past is no longer adequate for securing the modern enterprise. Now, organizations must secure a mobile workforce using a mix of corporate-owned and personal devices to access cloud-based applications and services, often from outside corporate networks — and this trend only accelerated during 2020's global shift to remote work. Fortunately, a modern access strategy built on zero-trust fundamentals can defend today’s workforce while paving the way to a passwordless future. Attend this session to learn how the zero trust access model works, reduce your reliance on passwords and risk of password-based attacks, and how to start planning and staging your zero-trust evolution today.

Presenter Info

Zoe Lindsey, Security Strategist, Duo Security at Cisco

Zoe Lindsey is a Security Strategist and an early member of the Duo team, joining Duo in 2012 with a background in medical and cellular technology. In her time at Duo, she has advised businesses and organizations of every size on strong security policy and unified access security solutions, and for the last few years has shared best practices and recommendations at events and discussion panels including the 2018 RSA Conference in San Francisco. Zoe Lindsey, Advocacy Marketing Manager.