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Like Politics, Security Is All Local

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Why overlapping security requirements create federation, chain-of-custody, and other “invisible” challenges impacting state and local first responder entities
  • Where to find tools and resources for assessing your current posture
  • How Duo can help all levels of government (federal, state, local, first responder) provide transparent security while not getting in the way of the mission

Government entities face a veritable spider’s web of cybersecurity requirements and protocols, but discussions focused only on the federal perspective overlook many of the challenges facing state governments and the 89,000+ local agencies in the US. These state and local groups must comply with multiple overlapping municipal, state, and federal requirements, while still ensuring access to government systems for on-the-ground first responder teams like police and fire departments.

How does this “web of trust” affect your agency, and how can you build a reliable security strategy with so many unknowns beyond your team’s control? Join Duo Security’s Federal Advisory CISO Sean Frazier and NIST Security Engineer Bill Fisher for expert advice where to improve your security strategy for 2019.