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NEW FROM DUO: Trust Monitor for Anomaly Detection

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How anomaly detection can reduce security risk and inform successful remediation workflows
  • How Duo Trust Monitor (DTM) highlights access risk by elevating anomalous login activity
  • The key metrics DTM analyzes, and the logic used to detect anomalies
  • How DTM cuts through the noise of routine activity to highlight notable events you need to review

Security analytics are a double-edged sword: while the information they provide can be vital to identify potential issues or anomalies before they become problems, the quantity of data collected and alerts generated can overwhelm even the most experienced security team. Through the device insight and policy control functions available in Duo, organizations looking to implement strong access security have been able to add more context to determine if a given user should be granted access. This context is based not only on their verified credentials, but also the health of the device and network they use to connect. Granular policies like these help admins better assess whether a connection poses a security risk, but Duo wanted to go further to streamline visibility and management.

With the release of Trust Monitor, Duo has taken the next step towards filtering the noise of routine authentications and highlighting anomalous logins that may require attention. By processing all of the telemetry collected during an access attempt and setting a baseline, Duo understands whether a login is normal or deviates from established patterns. This helps administrators efficiently focus on the most likely risks and remediate them.

Join Ted Kietzman, a Product Marketing Manager at Duo Security, for an introduction to Duo Trust Monitor, where this functionality is headed, and how you can start benefiting from it today!

Presenter Info

Ted Kietzman, Product Marketing Manager, Duo Security

Ted has spent his career accelerating growth at SaaS startups. He has an MBA from Emory University and a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from Bowdoin College. He enjoys fine cheese plates, board games, and watching videos of Richard Feynman explaining the world.