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People-Friendly Security Training: Proven Methods and Best Practices

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What gamification is, and how it can be a powerful tool for incentivizing behavior
  • How gamification principles can be applied to security training
  • How a security champion program can further improve training results

In a study of more than one thousand employees by Osterman Research*, respondents who found their security training programs interesting were thirteen times more likely to say that their fundamental security understanding improved than those who found their programs boring. Considering the critical importance of successful training to ensure users are following best practices, this provides a practical insight into how gamification and games-based training can improve the effectiveness of these programs.

Community forums are a good starting point when crafting these security programs. Taking lessons from methods of enabling engaged community members to be peer advocates, you can bring together highly engaged “superusers” focused on security to create a similar internal “security champion program.” You can then blend gamification into this program to motivate and incentivize security advocates within your company. Rather than providing training alone, a gamified program like this can generate collaboration within a group of people, providing stimulus through the form of status or physical reward to encourage them to take action and act as good examples.

Join Duo’s Technical Community Manager Amy Reyes for a pragmatic introduction to the tenets of gamification for education, considerations when applying these methods to security training, and how to create effective and engaging security champion programs for users across your organization.


Presenter Info

Amy Reyes (she/her), Technical Community Manager, Duo Security

Amy has been managing online communities in the SaaS space for 7 years. She is passionate about connecting people with shared interests to help them learn and grow together, and she believes the customer’s perspective is pivotal to any industry. Amy acts as an advocate to the community, helping to amplify members’ voices and ensure their words are heard.