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Six Key Mistakes MSPs Make With SMB Security

Originally aired: Wednesday, September 21, 2022

In this on-demand webinar, you will learn:

  • Why it’s important to adopt a proactive approach to your security model rather than a reactive one
  • How to instill cybersecurity responsibility in all users, not just admins
  • Why your security strategy must go beyond users and devices by protecting the network

Six Key Mistakes MSPs Make with SMB Security

The massive shift to remote work has forced many organizations to ensure customers can log into resources securely, from anywhere. However, many attackers can take advantage of remote access to compromise your customer’s environment and steal customer, employee, healthcare, and other personal data. It is more important than ever to secure their data, apps, and network while also verifying the trust of users and devices before they connect.

This recorded webinar will outline six key security mistakes you might be making with your security strategy and provide actionable tips for avoiding these common pitfalls.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why it’s important to adopt a proactive approach to your security model rather than a reactive one
  • How to instill cybersecurity responsibility in all users, not just admins
  • Why your security strategy must go beyond users and devices by protecting the network

Evan Swoish, MSP Partner Manager and John Rivera, Partner Account Manager - MSP will help you learn how to strengthen your clients’ security posture and design a thoughtful and intentional security strategy.

Presenter Info

Evan Swiosh

MSP Partner Manager

John Rivera
John Rivera

Partner Account Manager - MSP