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What Can 8 Million Devices Tell Us About Security Today?

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • How the average device’s health has improved since last year, and where the most significant risks remain
  • Why more than half of enterprise endpoints (53%) are not protected against the latest known vulnerabilities
  • Why only 31% of Windows endpoints are safe from methods used in the WannaCry ransomware attacks

Attackers in 2017 draw from a larger tool set than ever before, and today’s attacks are bypassing traditional perimeter-based security defenses.

So what do you really need to protect your organization? Making the right security decisions depends on having up-to-date information, visibility, and controls over all areas of your environment. Duo presents information from their newly-released 2017 Trusted Access report, with data drawn from over 8 million authentication and endpoint devices.

Presenter Info

Kyle Lady

Kyle is a Senior R&D engineer at Duo, where he harasses everyone for more data to try to satisfy the unquenchable thirst for data that academic research imparted. He has only broken the Internet once.