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What CISOs Wish They Could Say Out Loud

In this webinar, you will get:

  • An understanding of how things work behind the scenes
  • The ability (in some cases) to read between the lines of public announcements
  • The knowledge that You Are Not Alone

It’s hard to get CISOs to speak in public about their security programs. They can’t admit what they did wrong or reveal what they did right. It’s time for true confessions. This webinar will speak for the voiceless in response to irritating questions like, “Why can’t I have a long password?” “Why does it take a year to fix this security flaw?” and “Can you really fly a plane sideways?”

Presenter Info

Wendy Nather

Wendy Nather is a Principal Security Strategist at Duo Security. She was previously the Research Director at the Retail ISAC, as well as Research Director of the Information Security Practice at independent analyst firm 451 Research. Nather led IT security for the EMEA region of the investment banking division of Swiss Bank Corporation (now UBS), and served as CISO of the Texas Education Agency. She speaks regularly on topics ranging from threat intelligence to identity and access management, risk analysis, incident response, data security, and societal and privacy issues. Nather is Co-Author of The Cloud Security Rules, and was listed as one of SC Magazine's Women in IT Security “Power Players” in 2014.